Dec 25, 2010

Exercise at Christmas Without the Gym

Gyms get pretty deserted around Christmas time. Everyone is so busy with preparations, parties and people visiting that it's hard to fit in getting there, getting changed and going through a routine as regularly as you might the rest of the year.
But don't give up on exercise completely - you'll find it far harder to get back in the swing of things if you do. Make exercise part of the fun and keep yourself ticking over until it's time to get back to the gym in January. Maybe you'll enjoy the alternatives so much you'll never go back!

1. Do less
Just do ten minutes if that's all you can manage. Ten minutes of anything - walking around the house or stair stepping or skipping or rebounding - anything that fits your level of fitness and the equipment you have available at home. You can do it in the morning before your shower and it will energise you for everything you have to get done. If you can fit in 10 minutes later on too, so much the better. You'll keep up your fitness levels and use a few calories which you can probably do with at this time of year.

2. Do a class at home
Fitness videos are great if you don't have much time. There's no getting to the gym - you have everything you need right at home. You can pick them up for next to nothing from charity shops or treat yourself to one or two for Christmas. And it doesn't matter if you don't know the moves or have the latest fitness gear - nobody's watching!

3. Clear Up

No doubt you have to get your home ready for friends and family visiting anyway so make the clear up a workout. Put lots of energy into it! Clear out all that clutter then clean, vacuum and polish everything until it gleams. You'll be ready for guests, keep up your fitness levels and use some calories all at the same time.

4. Active fun

If you have a lot of guests and can't get your usual exercise fix organise some active fun for everyone! You could all go bowling or skating. Or try a game of charades or Twister. If it snows, you can go sledging or organise a snowman building competition. At the very least get them all out for a walk every day whatever the weather. There are sure to be some lights to go and see or a local carol service to attend.

5. Dance the Night Away

Don't be a wallflower. Take every opportunity to dance at parties (it will keep you away from the buffet table too) or just invite your partner to go dancing over the holidays. You'll have fun, get closer and it'll be great exercise. Dancing uses up between 270 and 540 calories an hour depending on the speed.

6. Offer a helping hand
Get active by volunteering your services in your community. You can help serve lunch at a homeless shelter or old people's home. Or just help your neighbours with running errands and snow clearing. You'll get a warm glow from lending a hand as well as from the exercise and feel much better than you do after sitting around all afternoon watching the re-runs of "White Christmas".

7. Escape
And if all else fails, next year book a skiing holiday for your Christmas break instead of staying at home. There's a whole year to save up (and to dodge the rows when you tell your family you're going away next year!) Skiing is fantastic exercise and you'll come back fit, invigorated and without those extra few pounds so many seem to acquire over Christmas.

Article Source:

Nov 2, 2010

Taylor Lautner’s Workout Secrets

If you have been watching the famous vampire series, Twilight, then you have watched as Taylor’s character “Jacob,” transformed  in front of your very own eyes.  We aren’t talking about his on screen transformation from human in to werewolf,  but rather the transformation of Taylor into a muscular man from one movie to the next.  His portrayal of a werewolf required some SERIOUS workout routines to make his character believable.
Men’s Health featured Taylor and gave the world some insight into his weight gaining routine.  Even if your goal isn’t to gain weight, his workout has some good tips to help you find the lean wolf in you!
Taylor gained a total of 30 pounds in one year for his transformation into a werewolf.  He did this through hard work and eating right.  There are always some tricks of the trade.  In his case, he worked on heavy “negative reps.”  This means you lift about 50 pounds over your normal weight.  With a spotter, start at the top of the rep and slowly lower the weight down (this is the “negative” portion).  Since doing heavy weights  is hard on your body only preform 2-3 sets and do it every other week.
Among other alterations, Lautner also changed his routine frequently to increase his strength and keep his muscles guessing.  This challenges your body and forces it to adapt and change.  This is very important in every routine whether your trying to lose weight or gain muscle.  Change in routines can be in the form of the exercises OR even the repetitions.  If your body is used to 12- 15 reps with light weight, then change it up and do 8-10 with heavier weight.
Challenge all of your resistance points. Resistance bands appear to be easy, but when paired with weights they create a training routine that has tension at every point in each repetition.  Lautner used them in combination with a squat bar by using heavy duty tension bands that are anchored to the bar as well as heavy weights on the floor.  During most squats, there is a rest period at the bottom and top of each squat.  With the tension bands there is no breaking point, creating tension through of the whole set of squats.
Although cardio is great for leaning out, in Taylor’s case, he had toavoid “over doing” the cardio due to his naturally thin physique and tough calorie burning routine.  If you are looking to lean up and aren’t concerned about burning too many calories then long bouts of cardio are ok.  However, if you are looking to have a natural balance of muscle on your body then you are better off doing moderate cardio and eating a lean diet to have maximum muscle definition.
Don’t over work your abs and do a combination of moves to hit your abs from all points.  This is what Taylor does to keep his abs in 6 pack formation for all of his topless shots.   I agree with his outlook on abs.  Always mix up your ab routine with a variety of different types of ab workouts.  You don’t have to only do crunches to get that flat, defined stomach.
Set goals!  This pertains to your workouts, your calories, your resting days, and the types of foods you eat.  Above everything else, you must have a plan to get cut and lean like Taylor.  No one looks this good without goals for every aspect of your routine.  If you want an awesome body then you must make goals, plan and watch as your body transforms within weeks!  There is a werewolf in us all; when preparation meets execution there is always success.

Oct 25, 2010

You Don’t Need Equipment For This Home Workout

We all want the perfect, well toned body but realize we have to start exercising if we ever hope to get it. Of course, the gym is the first thing you think of when you consider exercising.  If a person is serious, they will make it a routine to go to the gym for hours every day. But good eating habits might be tossed aside and replaced by health drinks and unhealthy crash diets.  Crash diets and daily workouts at the gym are not the only way to get your body into great shape.  You can actually enjoy a good workout at home without any kind of equipment. You can achieve the results you have dreamed of simply by working out for a few minutes at home.

You will be able to lose those extra pounds and achieve the chiseled look you desire with a good diet and home workouts with the right exercises. Health experts have designed all sorts of exercises which will work very effectively.  Before you start working out, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. It will take a lot of exercise, determination and time to get the physique you want, so you can’t expect an overnight miracle. Take the time to plot out what your exercise program will be and keep at it until your body gets into the shape you want. Although you require no special equipment, you do need a room big enough to allow you to move freely around and stretch your body. You don’t want to get dizzy while you are exercising, so make sure the room’s ventilation is adequate. You might even perform your exercises in your backyard. Inside, turn off the air conditioning system and allow your body to cool down naturally.

Most fitness experts stress the use of warm up exercises for the best workout results. It takes some time for your body to become accustomed to any exercise routine, so go slowly. Deal patiently with your body and let it relax. When you perform your exercises, don’t do so on a rug or carpet. After making certain there is no spilled water on the ground, practice directly on the floor. You could become badly injured by slipping in a puddle of water. If you prefer to exercise with a carpet under your feet just make sure it stays in place and doesn’t move about.  Make sure your exercise shoes are not slippery and that they stay firmly on the ground. Taking these precautions will guarantee a safe workout without injury.

Aerobics is one of the most popular home workouts. Following a program of aerobic exercise has long been the way to an improved physique for many people over the years.  Your lungs and heart become stronger during aerobics. The muscles are properly toned as your cardiovascular system gets a great workout. This type of workout can easily be practiced at home every day for an hour. But while you are exercising, make certain to take enough breaks. Many of us remember practicing calisthenics in school and they are still among the most popular ways to work out at home. Once you have established your routine, add a few calisthenics to the mix.

Always allow your body the time necessary to warm up before and cool off after when you are exercising at home. Let your body get used to the exercise gradually. Once you have designed the perfect at-home workout, stay with it. This is the only way it will work and give you the physique you have always dreamed of.

Sep 24, 2010

Health Benefits Of Sex Part 3

Sex Boosts Confidence & Improves Intimacy

Lovemaking of course builds and continues to improve intimacy. It alsoincreases desire. If one or the other partner does not have much sexual desire, you can see from the reasons above that the more sex you have, the more sex you will want to have. Women often want more intimacy and is it within her reach. According to Family therapist Michael Gurian, author of What Could He Be Thinking?, a man’s oxytocin level matches a woman’s after his happy ending. Then you’ll both be more inclined to desire cuddle time. For some people, the more they feel loved, the more their self-esteem will inflate. Both parties, however, get a boost to their spirit. When things are great in bed, your confidence will increase. Sex therapist Sandor Gardos says, “When things go well in bed, you feel more confident and powerful in other parts of your life.” This weaves its way into our lovemaking, making us more daring and uninhibited in our sexual endeavors. That, in turn, makes the mighty O even better and makes us want more sex.

Healing Wounds & Hearts
Healing can be thought of in many ways. Sometimes a relationship needs to heal. Other times, a person needs to heal. It can be a wound or one suffering from something like diabetes. There have been studies in which evidence suggests that sex heals. Lovemaking canhelp rejuvenate to the point of cells regenerating and wounds healingfaster. Set the stage right for the romp and anything is possible. 
Oxytocin from the big O, it does a body good.

Longevity: Live Long & Hump Often

Sex could be the Fountain of Youth. To extend your life and increase vitality, have lots of sex. Most especially this is true for men as the more often he has the big O, the more his risk of death lowers. Guys who climax two times a week have a 50% lower chance of mortality than those who orgasm one time a month. Men who engage in sex regularly cut their chances in half of suffering a stroke. To live a long life, happily hump often.

Sex Fights Aging & Improves Flexibility & Lifts Mood

All our love hormones after sex help us to bond and to build trust, but also help to fight aging. Use it or lose it. Since sex helps us rejuvenate, the more you orgasm the better it is for you. You live longer, aremore flexible, and continue to exercise while making love. So keep giving each other a booty biscuit, improving intimacy, continuing the cycle that increases sexual desire. You’ll be much happier and more inclined to have fun together when you know you’re burning hot for each other to be alone again.  Is it any wonder why sex is a mood lifter and the natural cure to mood improvement?

Eco-Sex Toys To Improve Sex Life & Your Imagination

Ecosexuals needs toys too. Get eco-sex toys and improve your imagination at the same time. There are lots of “green” lingerie like bamboo jersey shorts and sleeping mask. Sola makes a small bullet-shaped vibrator powered by the sun. Kissable Body Paints come in 8 flavors and are made from organically grown fruit. Soy candles are always a good choice. Yet there are other candles that melt into massage oils and are created from natural ingredients like vitamin E, avocado, and almond. How about a handcrafted spanker made from recycled car and truck tire parts? Or get wet and wild by lubing up with organic formulas, fortified with libido-boosting Chinese herbs like horny goat weed. There’s even Bo, the world’s first rechargeable erection ring. Keep stirring those creative juices. Sex will help improve the imagination and ecosex toys will help keep your sex life from becoming boring. Do you need more healthy reasons to see life through rosier-colored glasses and get 

your organic orgasm on?

Sex Boosts Energy & Helps You Sleep Better
Your passionate adventures can be both reckless and wise. The world is starved for romance. Courtesy and chivalry pay off in the bedroom. Let go; you won’t be sorry. For women, the testosterone absorbed from semen can boost her energy. For men, the more sex he has, the more testosterone he produces which is the driving factor responsible for his sexual desire. Both parties get an energy boost from sex.  However, sex also helps you sleep better. The oxytocin released during big O also promotes sleep. Insomniacs, regular romps are the all-natural and most assuredly the best way to help you catch that needed shuteye.
Oh yes, sex is so good for you. It’s a cure-all; not that you needed a reason to have sex in the first place. But for all the mind-blowing healthy benefits you’ve read here, you better get down to business with the horizontal hustle, do the nasty, go green between the sheets, get your ecosex on, frolic and romp. Forget language barriers or silly slang. Love is the universal language. Nothing gets lost in translation when making love.

Jul 26, 2010

Milk: Two Glasses a Day Tones Muscles, Keeps the Fat Away in Women, Study Shows

Women who drink two large glasses of milk a day after their weight-lifting routine gained more muscle and lost more fat compared to women who drank sugar-based energy drinks, a McMaster study has found.

The study appears in the June issue of Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.

"Resistance training is not a typical choice of exercise for women," says Stu Phillips, professor in the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University. "But the health benefits of resistance training are enormous: It boosts strength, bone, muscular and metabolic health in a way that other types of exercise cannot."
A previous study conducted by Phillips' lab showed that milk increased muscle mass and fat loss in men. This new study, says Phillips was more challenging because women not only steer clear of resistance training they also tend to steer away from dairy products based on the incorrect belief that dairy foods are fattening.
"We expected the gains in muscle mass to be greater, but the size of the fat loss surprised us," says Phillips. "We're still not sure what causes this but we're investigating that now. It could be the combination of calcium, high-quality protein, and vitamin D may be the key, and. conveniently, all of these nutrients are in milk.
Over a 12-week period, the study monitored young women who did not use resistance-training exercise. Every day, two hours before exercising, the women were required not to eat or drink anything except water. Immediately after their exercise routine, one group consumed 500ml of fat free white milk; the other group consumed a similar-looking but sugar-based energy drink. The same drinks were consumed by each group one hour after exercising.
The training consisted of three types of exercise: pushing (e.g. bench press, chest fly), pulling (e.g. seated lateral pull down, abdominal exercises without weights), and leg exercises (e.g. leg press, seated two-leg hamstring curl). Training was monitored daily one on one by personal trainers to ensure proper technique.
"The women who drank milk gained barely any weight because what they gained in lean muscle they balanced out with a loss in fat" said Phillips. "Our data show that simple things like regular weightlifting exercise and milk consumption work to substantially improve women's body composition and health." Phillips' lab is now following this study up with a large clinical weight loss trial in women.
Funding for the study was provided by McMaster University, 

Jul 25, 2010

Walking: Trim your waistline, improve your health

Walking is a low-impact exercise with numerous health benefits. Here's how to get started.

Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. Walking is a form of exercise accessible to just about everybody. It's safe, simple and doesn't require practice. And the health benefits are many. Here's more about why walking is good for you, and how to get started with a walking program.

Benefits of walking

Walking, like other exercise, can help you achieve a number of important health benefits. Walking can help you:

Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
Lower your blood pressure
Reduce your risk of or manage type 2 diabetes
Manage your weight
Improve your mood
Stay strong and fit

All it takes to reap these benefits is a routine of brisk walking. It doesn't get much simpler than that. And you can forget the "no pain, no gain" talk. Research shows that regular, brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart attack by the same amount as more vigorous exercise, such as jogging.

Preparation helps avoid injury

Walking isn't as likely to lead to injuries as other types of exercise. Still, take time to prepare yourself to prevent injuries, such as blisters or muscle pain.

  • Get the right gear
Be sure to wear comfortable footwear. Choose shoes with proper arch support, a firm heel and thick flexible soles to cushion your feet and absorb shock. Before you buy a new pair, be sure to walk in them in the store.

Also dress in loosefitting, comfortable clothing and in layers if you need to adjust to changing temperature. If you walk outside, choose clothes appropriate for the weather. Avoid rubberized materials, as they don't allow perspiration to evaporate. Wear bright colors or reflective tape after dark so that motorists can see you.

  • Use proper technique
Walking is a great exercise because it's so simple to do. But using the correct posture and movements is essential.

  • Warm up
Spend about five minutes walking slowly to warm up your muscles. You can walk in place if you want. Increase your pace until you feel warm.

  • Stretch
After warming up, stretch your muscles before walking. Include the calf stretch, quadriceps stretch, hamstring stretch and side (iliotibial) stretch.

  • Cool down after each walking session
To reduce stress on your heart and muscles, end each walking session by walking slowly for about five minutes. Then, repeat your stretches.

Article Source:

Jun 26, 2010

Several Kinds Of Fats

There are several different kinds of fat. Not all of them are bad for you. Learn which ones to consume and which ones to avoid using this short guide from Bob Greene’s The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes.
Healthy Versus Unhealthy Fat
Everyone has to watch their intake of unhealthy fats, but if you have diabetes, you have to be extra vigilant. As you’ll learn shortly, unhealthy fats can worsen insulin resistance and make your already heightened risk for heart disease that much greater. It’s not the total fat consumption that matters so much; it’s the type of fat consumed that affects your health. Your mission: to bring in more healthy fats and root out the unhealthy ones. We’re not necessarily suggesting that you add more fat to your diet, although if you’ve been on a very-low-fat diet and aren’t enjoying it, that may be a good idea. The goal here is to replace the unhealthy fatty foods with foods containing healthy fats.
If ordering a side of guacamole with your chicken fajita, snacking on a handful of mixed nuts, and sauteéing your favorite vegetables in olive oil and garlic all sound appealing to you, you’re already a fan of healthy fat. The reason these foods — avocados, nuts, and olive oil — are considered healthy fats is because of the type of fatty acids they contain. These and other foods we think of as fat — oils, butter, margarine, the fat surrounding a steak or sunder the skin of a chicken — are actually composed of different types of fatty acids. And it’s the fatty acids that are either good or bad for your body.
The four types of fatty acids are polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated, and trans. Though most foods contain a mix, usually one type of fatty acid predominates. For instance, olive oil contains 73 percent monounsaturated fat; the rest is polyunsaturated and saturated fat.
The different types of fatty acids have different effects on your health; here’s the scoop.
Healthy Fats: Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated (Both Called Unsaturated Fatty Acids)These are the fats you should be including in your diet because they are linked to disease prevention. Monounsaturated fats are healthiest, so aim to get the most of these, while polyunsaturated fats are next in line.
Monounsaturated fatty acids are considered healthy because they don’t raise LDL (the “bad” cholesterol that contributes to clogged arteries and heart disease) and they do raise HDL (the “good” form that actually removes cholesterol from your body). Plus, they’ve been linked to greater insulin sensitivity. Nearly all the monounsaturated fat in our diet comes from oleic acid.
Sources: Olive oil and canola oil are loaded with monounsaturated fats, so make these your staple oils. Other mono-rich foods include avocados, almonds, cashews, peanuts, and sesame seeds.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fall into the healthy fat category because they do not raise LDL, include two types:
Omega-3 fatty acids offer a host of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, which, in turn, helps prevent and may even treat diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. These fats also help prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure, can improve mood, and may increase IQ in children. The health effects are so great that there’s a case to be made for taking Omega-3 supplements in addition to what you get from your diet. The three main types of omega-3s are:
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the omega-3 fatty acid that’s found in plants. ALA is critical to our survival; it’s one of the two “essential” fatty acids that the body cannot make, so we must get it from foods (linoleic is the other essential fatty acid)
    • Sources: Have one of the following every day: flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnuts, and foods enriched with omega-3s, such as these products sporting the Best Life Seal of Approval: Barilla PLUS pasta, Flatout Flatbread, Hellman’s Canola Cholesterol Free Mayonnaise , Silk DHA Omega-3 & Calcium Soymilk (contains both ALA and DHA), Smart Balance Buttery Spread, Smart Balance Peanut Butter.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docohexaenoic acid (DHA) are the omega-3s found primarily in fish; there are also small amounts in meat from grass-fed animals. These seem to have more potent and direct benefits to the heart, brain, and joints than ALA and are what make up most omega-3 supplements
    • Sources: Have one of the following fatty fish at least two times a week: bluefish, salmon, sardines, trout, and tuna. Fresh and white albacore canned tuna come from large fish that tend to be high in mercury, so have no more than once a week. Chunk light canned tuna is low in mercury, so it’s okay to have it a few times a week. (the rest of the fish listed are low in mercury.) If you don’t like fish or are allergic to it, you should take an omega-3 supplement; even if you do eat fish, there’s a case for supplementing
Omega-6 fatty acids have also been linked to heart disease prevention. Some argue that because omega-6s can be converted into substances that encourage inflammation, they may actually be bad for the heart and other tissues. However, a 2009 review by the American Heart Association found that most of the evidence points to a heart-protective effect. The most common omega-6 in our diet is linoleic acid, which, like ALA, is an essential fatty acid. Most people get more than their share of omega-6s because these are the predominant fats in many processed foods, such as frozen foods, baked goods, and salad dressings, as well as restaurant fare. There are also omega-6 fatty acids in olive and canola oils, which should become your staple oils for home use.
Sources: Corn, sesame, sunflower (not “high-oleic sunflower oil,” which is high in monounsaturated fat), soybean, and walnut oils.
Unhealthy FatsCut back on foods high in saturated fat, and make it a point to avoid sources of trans fat altogether.
Saturated fatty acids are considered unhealthy fats because when eaten in excess, they raise LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and have been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, breast, colon, prostate, and pancreatic cancer. To make matters worse, a high intake of saturated fat appears to increase insulin resistance.
Sources: You can’t avoid saturated fat completely because it’s in many healthy foods, including olive oil, but you can limit the loaded sources, such as butter, cream, full-fat cheese, whole milk, fatty meats, and chicken skin. A few plant foods, such as palm and coconut oil, are also high in saturated fat. Fortunately, the type of saturated fatty acid in the cocoa butter in chocolate (stearic acid) does not raise LDL. Sometimes you luck out!
Trans-fatty acids are the most unhealthy fats of all. Not only do they raise LDL, but they also lower HDL (“good” cholesterol). These fats appear to promote visceral fat, the deep belly fat that surrounds the organs, which can trigger heart disease and insulin resistance. Although trans fat exists in small quantities naturally in fatty meats and high-fat dairy foods, the major source is man-made partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, a solid fat that is used in some commercial baked goods and makes food more shelf-stable.
Sources: Foods made with partially hydrogenated oil, including some cookies, cakes, crackers, pie crusts, and other baked goods, frozen foods, and margarine. (Fortunately, now there are brands of margarine or spreads such as Smart Balance Buttery Spread, which carries the Best Life seal, that have no partially hydrogenated oil.)
Bob Greene, author of The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes (Copyright © 2009 by Bestlife Corporation), is an exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer specializing in fitness, metabolism, and weight loss. He holds a master’s degree from the University of Arizona and is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise. For the past seventeen years he has worked with clients and consulted on the design and management of fitness, spa, and sports medicine programs. Bob has been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He is also a contributing writer and editor for O the Oprah magazine, and writes articles on health and fitness for Greene is the bestselling author of The Best Life Diet CookbookThe Best Life Diet Revised and UpdatedThe Best Life DietThe Best Life Diet Daily JournalThe Total Body MakeoverGet With the Program!The Get With the Program! Daily JournalThe Get With the Program! Guide to Good Eating, and Make the Connection.

Jun 8, 2010

Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office

Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: "You can do this exercise in your office!" What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that's not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube.

Make A "Health" Drawer

Your filing spaces are your friends. Most cubes have lots of little drawers. Make one of them a "health" drawer. Add a ziplock bag or two with healthy non-perishable snacks in it (maybe dried veggies), a few bags of herbal, non-caffeinated tea (switch over from coffee midday to help you sleep better at night), and a travel-size hand-sanitizing gel for use regularly when there's a cold going around the office (did you know most colds are transmitted through shared objects like doorknobs?). A decorative canvas bag can store an extra pair of athletic shoes in case you can take a 10 minute walk or stretch break over lunch.

Get Blood Back To Your Brain:

Pop goes the weasel. When you sit in a cube in front of a computer or on the phone for hours at a time, gravity pulls your blood towards your feet. It pools in your feet, ankles, and fanny; if you're ever noticed your feet looking puffy towards the end of the day, the puffiness may be a side-effect of having blood spending so much time down there! Our arm and leg muscles function as "pumps" to get blood back to the heart.

While you could just do jumping jacks to get the blood flowing back upwards, there are less noticeable ways to get blood moving: If you've got a shelf in your high in your cube, keep daily useables (paperclips, stapler) there; getting up regularly will remind you to stretch. While standing lift your legs up at the knee, one at a time, to help get blood flowing. One enterprising woman kept a postcard pinned up towards the very top of her cube wall - and kept an ever-growing collection of postcards that she exchanged every day in the afternoon. The new postcard each day perked her up, and it gave her a reminder to get up and stretch several times a day.

Muscular injury is common in the desk-job world. The Center for Disease Control reports that 92,576 injuries resulted from repetitive motion, including typing or key entry. Make sure to take breaks from the keyboard at least once an hour. Use a wrist support at your computer when you are typing or browsing, Your forearm, wrist, and hand should be on a level, not making a V. The Harvard RSI action group suggests some exercises to help prevent repetitive stress injuries ( If you spend a lot of time on the phone and can't use a speaker phone, don't hold the phone by crunching your shoulder against your ear. Instead, invest in or ask for a headset or shoulder support for your receiver.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Drinking water is very important. It can help you recover from a cold more quickly (though it doesn't "cure" it), replenish lost fluids after exercise, and assist in weight loss (many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty, so make sure to take a drink before diving for the candy machine). Keep a four-cup bottle or thermos near the computer and replenish daily. Don't overdo though - excess water can dilute important minerals and vitamins in your blood stream.

Make Sure To Take Your Vitamins & Other Pills:

Pill reminders. Do you need regularly forget to take vitamins because you're busy? Find an attractive, desk-top container to put the bottle in - a decorative flower pot is one option. Something attractive and eye catching will remind you it's there. This can also work for daily medications, but keep in mind that some medications can be toxic to others or have street-value (many prescribed pain killers), so these are medications that should stay with you, rather than your desk.

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